The German Shepherd Dog Club of Reno

The German Shepherd Dog Club of Reno

The German Shepherd Dog Club of America

The German Shepherd Dog Club of Reno is one of the older Regional Clubs of the German Shepherd Dog Club of America.

The German Shepherd Dog was created and standardized in 1889 by Captain Max von Stephanitz, in Germany. The First German Shepherd Dog was exhibited in America in 1907. In 1913 the German Shepherd Dog Club of America was formed by Benjamin Throop and Anne Tracy, with 26 charter members. Since its inception it has maintained its popularity in the top three of all AKC breeds and is currently the 2nd most popular breed or all breeds.

The German Shepherd Dog Club of Reno is committed to the breed standard and to the betterment and welfare of this magnificent breed.
The GSDCA is the Parent Club of the German Shepherd for the AKC

The German Shepherd Dog Club of Reno is the Regional Specialty club of the GSDCA. We are proud of our club and honored to be a representative of the GSDCA.

CLICK here to go to the GSDCA Site.